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Arch Linux

仅记录个人安装与配置 Arch Linux 的流程,更系统的教程请见:

  1. Arch Linux 官方维基
  2. Arch Linux 安装使用教程
  3. Arch Linux 简明指南

建议:跟着教程装一两遍,之后 archinstall 就行了

Basic Configuration

禁用 PC speaker

sudo hx /etc/modprobe.d/nobeep.conf

blacklist pcspkr
blacklist snd_pcsp


首先添加在一个源,再下载它的密钥和镜像列表文件,在镜像列表文件中对要使用的源取消注释,最后把 Server 改为 Include

# [core], [extra]

# [multilib]

Server =$arch
## or other mirrors in
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.arch4edu

Server =$arch
## or install archlinuxcn-mirrorlist-git and use the mirrorlist
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/archlinuxcn-mirrorlist
sudo pacman -S archlinuxcn-keyring archlinuxcn-mirrorlist-git
pacman-key --recv-keys 7931B6D628C8D3BA
pacman-key --finger 7931B6D628C8D3BA
pacman-key --lsign-key 7931B6D628C8D3BA
sudo pacman -S arch4edu-keyring mirrorlist.arch4edu
sudo pacman -S paru-git
paru -S alhp-keyring alhp-mirrorlist
#Server =$repo/os/$arch/
Include = /etc/pacman.d/alhp-mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/alhp-mirrorlist

# [core], [extra]

Include = /etc/pacman.d/alhp-mirrorlist

# [multilib]
sudo pacman-key --recv-key 3056513887B78AEB --keyserver
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 3056513887B78AEB
sudo pacman -U '' ''
Include = /etc/pacman.d/chaotic-mirrorlist



paru -S makepkg-optimize openmp upx optipng svgo polly

makepkg - Tips and tricks

paru -S lbzip2 pbzip2 pigz plzip xz zstd

sudo hx ~/.config/pacman/makepkg.conf


paru -S aria2 onedrivegui-git qbittorrent-enhanced-git xbyyunpan-bin
paru -S ark # arj lrzip lzop p7zip unarchiver unrar
paru -S clash-dev-git clash-meta-alpha-git clash-verge
paru -S cpufetch-git fastfetch-git ffmpeg-git fish-git joshuto-git nvtop pandoc-bin

paru -S fcitx5-im
paru -S fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-pinyin-moegirl fcitx5-pinyin-zhwiki fcitx5-pinyin-custom-pinyin-dictionary
paru -S fcitx5-rime rime-double-pinyin

paru -S vivaldi vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs # firefox
paru -S foliate jabref rnote xournalpp # foxitreader
paru -S geeqie gimp shotcut mpv obs-studio obs-backgroundremoval yesplaymusic
paru -S gnome-keyring github-desktop
paru -S helix visual-studio-code-bin
paru -S libreoffice-still wps-office wps-office-fonts ttf-wps-fonts ttf-ms-fonts
paru -S linuxqq telegram-desktop wemeet-bin zoom
paru -S linux-amd-znver2 # sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
paru -S kuro
paru -S mathematica # mathematica-light
paru -S nerd-fonts-meta noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts adobe-source-han-mono-cn-fonts
paru -S ntfs-3g
paru -S pot-translation-git tesseract tesseract-data wudao-dict-git
paru -S stable-diffusion-ui
paru -S texlive texlive-lang
paru -S ventoy-bin



sudo pacman -S hyprland-hidpi-xprop-git kitty-git
paru -S xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git qt5-wayland qt6-wayland
paru -S dunst hyprpaper-git udiskie wofi
paru -S waybar-hyprland-git otf-font-awesome wttrbar-git
paru -S brightnessctl grimblast-git swaylock-git


  • 图形化连接网络:paru -S networkmanager -> nmtui
  • 自动挂载 U 盘:paru -S udiskie
  • 切换代理:在 clash-verge 里面创建一个空的 profile,不想走代理的时候就用这个
  • 剪切板:Ctrl + ;
  • 合并图片成 pdf
libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf *.jpg
pdfunit *.pdf output.pdf
# paru -S tlp tlp-rdw
# sudo systemctl enable tlp.service
# sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service
# sudo systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.service
# sudo systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.socket

paru -S auto-cpufreq
sudo systemctl enable auto-cpufreq.service
sudo systemctl mask power-profiles-daemon.service


paru -S kvantum qt5ct
paru -S fcitx5-nord graphite-grub-theme-nord-4k nordic-theme tela-circle-icon-theme-nord-git

sudo hx /etc/default/grub
# GRUB_THEME="/usr/share/grub/themes/graphite-nord-4k/theme.txt"
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg



paru -S appstream appstream-qt packagekit packagekit-qt5
paru -S kwin-scripts-tiling
paru -S plasma5-applets-weather-widget-2
paru -S sddm-git
paru -S spectacle
paru -S xdg-desktop-portal-kde

KDE 平铺脚本

  • 在系统设置中搜索 KWin Scripts
  • "Tiling Extension" 中 "Gap" 全部设置为 5


  • 在系统设置中搜索 Virtual Desktops
  • 添加至 5
  • 在系统设置中搜索 Shortcuts -> KWin
  • 设置他们的快捷键为 Meta + Alt + <number>


  1. ArchLinux 系统美化
  2. ArchLinux 系统美化(布局篇)
  3. ArchLinux 系统美化(主题篇)
  4. ArchLinux 系统美化(终端篇)
  5. Tutorials/Force Transparency And Blur
paru -S bibata-cursor-theme
paru -S catppuccin-fcitx5-git
paru -S flat-remix
paru -S kvantum kvantum-theme-nordic-git
paru -S nordic-kde-git
paru -S nordic-theme
paru -S sddm-nordic-theme-git
  • 任务栏:放在屏幕顶部
  • 壁纸:使用必应每日一图
  • Konsole:修改默认的颜色主题透明度为 75%
  • 更换主题:先在 kvantum manager 里更换主题,再在系统设置里把能改成 kvantum 的改掉。



  • MS Office 网页版无法编辑 .doc,自动转换出来的 .docs 很差
  • 各种 office 套件(包括 WPS)对 MS Office 的兼容效果很差
  • 一大堆 .jpg, .png, .pdf 如何合并成一个 .pdf
    • imagemagickconvert 转换出来的分辨率太低
  • OneDrive 同步效果并不是完全实时的

我自己在一个相对私人的笔记本电脑安装了 Arch Linux,并同时另持有一台 MacBook Pro 2015 和一台 Windows 台式机——它们所需的花费并没有想象中的大。如果你没有另一台 macos 或 windows 的电脑,我不建议你安装 Arch Linux。



Homebrew 源使用帮助

brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts

brew install --cask clashx

brew install ffmpeg
brew install latexindent
brew install fastfetch

brew install --cask adrive
brew install --cask github
brew install --cask keka
brew install --cask mactex-no-gui
brew install --cask onedrive
brew install --cask qq
brew install --cask snipaste
brew install --cask telegram
brew install --cask typora
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
brew install --cask vivaldi
brew install --cask vlc
brew install --cask wechat
brew install --cask yesplaymusic
brew install --cask youdaodict

brew install --cask font-fira-code-nerd-font
brew install --cask font-lxgw-wenkai




winget install AltSnap.AltSnap
winget install Highresolution.X-MouseButtonControl
winget install LocalSend.LocalSend
winget install Microsoft.PowerToys
winget install QL-Win.QuickLook
winget install Ventoy.Ventoy
winget install voidtools.Everything

winget install CPUID.CPU-Z
winget install CrystalDewWorld.CrystalDiskInfo
winget install CrystalDewWorld.CrystalDiskMark
winget install TechPowerUp.GPU-Z

winget install Dr-Noob.cpufetch
winget install Git.Git
winget install Gyan.FFmpeg
winget install ImageMagick.ImageMagick
winget install JohnMacFarlane.Pandoc
winget install nepnep.neofetch-win
winget install Syncthing.Syncthing

winget install Armin2208.WindowsAutoNightMode
winget install Bandisoft.Bandizip # 7zip.7zip RARLab.WinRAR
winget install Bilibili.Livehime
winget install c0re100.qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition
winget install EpicGames.EpicGamesLauncher
winget install ForgQi.biliup-app
winget install GitHub.GitHubDesktop
winget install GyDi.ClashVerge
winget install JabRef.JabRef
winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
winget install NetEase.CloudMusic
winget install OBSProject.OBSStudio
winget install Pylogmon.pot
winget install Python.Python.3.12
winget install SumatraPDF.SumatraPDF
winget install Tencent.TencentMeeting
winget install Tencent.QQ.NT
winget install Tencent.QQBrowser
winget install Tencent.WeChat
winget install Thunder.Thunder
winget install Valve.Steam
winget install VideoLAN.VLC
winget install VivaldiTechnologies.Vivaldi
winget install Xournal++.Xournal++

Microsoft Store

Apple Music
Watt Toolkit

Install Manually

pip install bilili


微软拼音 Add 小鹤双拼

  1. 注册表编辑器 -> 计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InputMethod\Settings\CHS;
  2. 新建字符串值,数值名称 UserDefinedDoublePinyinScheme0,数值数据 小鹤双拼*2*^*iuvdjhcwfg^xmlnpbksqszxkrltvyovt.

Reference: Win10 微软拼音添加小鹤双拼以及其他配置

Limit Power Consumption and Reduce Noise

Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings -> Change advanced power settings -> Processor power management

  • Minimum processor state
    • On battery: 5%
    • Plugged in: 5%
  • System cooling policy
    • On battery: Passive
    • Plugged in: Passive
  • Maximum processor state
    • On battery: 80%
    • Plugged in: 100%